Whether buying a home or renting a room, our agents provide deep local real estate experience and knowledge to make your experience as frictionless and empowering as possible.
“Experienced and trustworthy
Japanese agents will assist you”
We advise you how to buy and manage real estate in Japan expertly.
Also, we can help you to rent houses &rooms smartly.
“You can create a home
as you like”
We offer customizable home remodeling &renovation ideas
that increase the property value of your home.
We have a network of contractors and designers.
“Sightseeing Tours &Trips
in Japan”
We’re Osaka residents. we can recommend some sightseeing spots you should go to.
If you would like to go for drinks, have Japanese food, or do any activities like golf, hiking, or fishing in Japan,
Property information
Address 1-7-30 Ichibaminami, Izumisano-shi, Osaka-fu 598-0004 Japan Floor plan 3LDK Price 18,000,000Yen -
Address - Floor plan - Price - -
Address - Floor plan - Price -
Renovation example
contact us!
Let’s have our meeting online!
You can easily have an online meeting
via smartphone or computer.
Our agents provide you
with deep local knowledge
about real estate in Japan.After we receive your email,
we will send you
Zoom ID and Passcode.TEL:+81-90-6438-3592
E-mail:seharden8@gmail.com -
Shibata Kosan Corp
offering advice, consultation, sales, and support for buying, renting and selling properties in Japan.